Thursday, March 28, 2013

a spring of new beginnings

The first post of a new blog is quite intimidating.  But I need a house for my inspiration, a document for my artistic process, and a forum for my daydreaming, so here we go.

1.  I am thirty years old.  A Virgo.  Born in Scotland, raised in Georgia, came to life in Brooklyn, and currently residing in Philadelphia.

2.  Speaking of Philly, I have been living here for almost 3 years.  The first year was spent pining over New York City, our home of 6 years.  The second year was spent discovering the benefits of not living in a city with 8.5 million other people (such as not having to share a closet with my husband, biking all over the city with ease, cheaper beer).  This past year, I have developed a full-blown crush on Philadelphia.  It's getting rather serious.

3.  I share my life with my husband of (gasp!) 8 years.  He is in his first year of med school.  And we live in with our pitbull, Wythe - our best Brooklyn souvenir - along the Northern Liberties / S. Kensington border.  

4.  I work as a teaching artist for The Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, and I learn so much from my students about the creative process.

5.  I make things.  I like to use my hands to print things, sew things, bind things, draw things, and cook things.  You can see some of those things here.

6.  And in order to cook things, I must first grow things.  I spend many hours from early spring to late fall working in our community garden.  It makes me feel close to the earth, and most of all, close to my grandfather.

In a nutshell, that's it.  Perfunctory intro blog post . . . check.

~ Bonnie