
Thursday, June 26, 2014


To say the least, I have had a full plate the last two months.  Full of teaching and student exhibitions, full of gardening duties, full of personal studio goals.  Full of rich, good stuff.  I'm so tempted to let the word "busy" slip out of my mouth, but after some long talks with two of my closest girlfriends this past week, we decided to ban it as another 4-letter word.  We are all busy, right?  So being busy is not unique.  The word also implies that we have too much to do to enjoy life.  I want to work hard so that I have time to, say, drink too many margaritas on a friend's front lawn (which I did last weekend) or call my brother (which I need to do more often).  And frankly, simply saying the word "busy" makes me feel stressed.    

On that note, I'm happy to share a project that has been keeping my week, um, full.  Sometimes I get easily panicked when I take on a last minute gig, but I really can't complain about getting paid to paint on the side of a shipping container.  I'm working as one of several artists, curated by the shop Art Star, to create a mural for containers at the upcoming Spruce Street Harbor Park here in Philly.

The park opens this Friday and is going to be pretty freakin' wonderful.  The city is doing more and more to utilize the Delaware waterfront in fun, inviting waysSpruce Street Harbor Park will full of hammocks, animal shaped paddle boats, floating gardens, food & drink, and yes, murals on and in shipping containers.

Here are some in-progress shots of my piece.  20 x 8 ft. in 4 days is no easy feat, but it's been super fun.  A big thanks to the Streets Dept blog for the shout out earlier this week, just as I was getting started.  Other artists who will have murals on display include Adam Smith and Michael Konrad.

Come to the park (#sshp) this weekend to see the finished piece!  And get some waterfront r&r while you're at it.  You'll find me in a hammock.

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